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happy bday crodi, ez crodi pce out big man big money chase the bag -abhir from past

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Dear December 2, 2020 Me... it's kinda odd that I'm sending this to the second day, not the first, but it has an aesthetic vibe to it, Lol. Okay, just a quick brief on stuff going on here now,...

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Sveikas Vytautai, Siunčiu šį laišką į ateitį, nes noriu paklaust kaip gyveni, kaip sekas ir noriu palinketi laimes sveikatos ir džiaugsmo! Netolimos praeities Tu. 2011-10-19...

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Ar tai jau atėjo...? Ar pajutai...? Kodėl taip, o ne kitaip...? Tai juk taip nuostabu...! Kas aš...? Kas mes...? Prisimink viską kas yra geriausia, neužmiršk, nepalik, nepabėk......

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dear me, I hope you do good in life and hopefully you get to go into boxing and get a nice family and a bulldog and a great job me. also do they have time machines in the future. can you make a...

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