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Hi Resti, 5 years from ago, you are working at DSSC tech. and you received the attached message. The stupid son of your boss. plus currently your son is at the hospital with fever and bacterial...

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Well, it\\\\\\\'s not actually graduation day yet. I saw that I could write myself a letter on Instagram and actually thought it was kind of neat. I did this one in a year because I\'m going off to...

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Hey, è un po' triste, vero? Scriversi da solo è un po' come parlare da solo, e si sa questo non è un sintomo di grande sanità mentale o felicità. Già, la felicità. Un mese fa non è che ne...

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Привет Я из 2026! Хочу узнать какие из наших целий ьы выполнела. 1) Стать популярной 2) Оставаться жить в...

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Hey,beautiful how's it going? Is everything all right at home? You've come s o far and if your reading this your still here even after everything that's happened. I hope your still dating Pedro...

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