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Dear me..... I will be police women , I will have a red mercedes , I will have a beautiful and big house.

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Labas. Šiandien ( 2011 gruodžio 17) atsibudau ir vartydamasi lovoje sugalvojau parašyti sau laišką į ateitį. Jame išvardysiu įsimintinas akimirkas, kurios įvyko 2011 metais. Ne visada...

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People you've kissed: Ryan Lee Will Percy James Watkins Harry White Rob Camm Tom McGrath Xander Seddon Freddie Derbyshire Lee Wykes Jesus I must be forgetting people... There was a boy...

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.. وقتت رو نمیگیرم فقط دیدی ارزش اینهمه سختی کشیدن رو داشت بعد 5 سال ؟؟؟☺☺☺سلام مشتی امروز که این نامه دارع...

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Hi there, you are awesome!

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