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Querida Lia do futuro, Escrevo-lhe neste momento, às 09:26 da manhã, enquanto você aguarda por uma IE na Unimed. À sua frente, repousa um pote de iogurte sabor whey de maracujá, uma...

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Happy New Year, Hi how are you? It's been 4months I guess I just wanna let you know that I love you and I miss you, I'm not sure if you could still read this but I don't care, I just wanted you...

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если ты это читаешь гена ,то я надеюсь тынашел себе девушку.и утебя все хорошо.я писал это 13.02.2020в 14:24 . Я...

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Dear Chase, Ya big goof! Why you gotta be famous already? I'm writing this from work at Arena, remember when you used to work there? Psh, that's old news! Love you! Hope you got a hot girlfriend...

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