Future Gaz! Happy 30th Birthday!
Its August 31st 2012. Your sat at work bored (nothing new) so I thought Id write to you to remind you where you were. I hope your not in the same job, you can do...
Heidi! So things have been crazy. D and I have been texting again but its on and off. I'm upset but I'm starting to get over it, yet my cell phone is right by me as I type this so I guess there...
Labas Karoli, sveikinu tave su 36-uoju gimtadieniu. Linkiu gereusiu akimirku ateity, ir visko kas gereusia.
Karolis is Websters Land , Edinburgh.
Hey there dearJ.
Hope everything's okay with you and your family and that you're having a blast running your own company and inspiring millions of people all over the world.
Just wanted to...
Labas, Ieva po 10 metų ;D
Rašau tau iš 2011, tikiuosi laikaisi puikiai ir šypsaisi skaitydama šį laišką ;D
Beje, su gmtadieniuuu!!! Niekad nepamiršk koks gražus pasaulis ir kiek gerų...