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Hello! I'm you, but from the past(or you are from the futere XD)! I hope I had a nice summer break. I think I've enjoyed Walibi very well. I wanted to ask some things: Did I learn new programming...

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dear future me, happy eighteenth. ***** before you read this, play "abandon window" by jon hopkins. (also props to damon dominique for inspiring me to do this.) i'm writing this on...

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Labas, labas, labas :) Atėjo dar vienas laiškas iš praeities :) 2013 metai, sausio 30d. Taigi, tokia va situacija Lietuvoje: dabar ant šalies \"šika\" nebe Kubilius, o Butkevičius. Chebra...

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Hi self, it's me your 2021 self. Right now I'm on my midterms week of 1st Year in Architecture school. I'm really having a tough time right now because i am not currently in the best state of...

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нелле какашка???????????????? выучила японский? побывала там? дружишь с Алисой/Варей/Кирой? Разблокировали тик ток?...

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