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Dear, Khrystyna, happy birthday!!!! I don't know how I'm going to be at the moment when I read this latter, but I hope I changed. I did a lot in my life, but not enough: I have a few years of...

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Laišką rašiau prieš 2 metus. Ar jau nusipirkau naujus baldus? Ar suplonėjau? Ar nesusipykau su savo geriausiomis draugėmis? Ar vis dar prižiūriu savo šuniuką? Ar pasikeičiau? Ar...

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Is barely surviving still your purpose??? Do you still try to defy his gravity??? Are you still wondering when will it end??? Did you step down from it for good??? Does nobody knows who you are...

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mnnghhmnnghhmnnghh mnnghh mnnghhmnnghhmnnghh mnnghhmnnghhmnnghh mnnghhmnnghhmnnghh

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Hello, I'm Currently 25 years old, and living with David, and Amber. I Work at and COTG. Me and Amber broke up yesterday, which is fine. I am hoping I end up with Chrissy...

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