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YOU'RE 24!!? What the heck!? Just kidding, that's pretty young. I'm 19 right now. Pretty crazy. I'm just finishing my first semester at BYU-Idaho and I love it. This winter I'll be staying in...

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Dear Mr. Novilla: Hello Boyfriend at my present time, Happy 22nd Birthday Honey! Today, 01 June 2020 at around two thirty-three (2:33am) I am writing this letter to tell you that I love you...

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My Dopey, You probably won't see this but I'll just try. Can you still remember that night? You ask me questions but I can't answer any of them. I'm there but you can't see me. I'm...

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Labas Paulina, rašau tau vėsią 2012m. rugpjūčio 29 dieną. Už lango pūpso tuntai debesų, vėjas plėšia medžių lapus, visi suniurusiais veidais slampinėja gatvėmis. Tikiuosi, šiuo...

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Yo Arjun Bhatnagar, How Are You, you are now 14 years old, How Is GTA 5 For Pc huh!! Is it Going To release. Happy birthday!!!! We will never meet but bye!!!!

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