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heyy any1 wanna become friends? hmu on ig @jingluvglitter

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I hope the coronavirus has digressed or a cure is found. I hope gabriel has learned your name and started crawling. I hope you decided on a college and maybe even found a nice boy. Much love.

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Dear Aunty Bre, this is Cita. Right now I am 12 years old and in the 7th grade. I hope i'm still around so I can see what you look like when you get this message. By now I should be 16. I wanted...

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Dear me its been 2 years you have finish high-school and either on the drive to your new home or not here to this day if you are heading to Vegas then i wish you luck on the drive you did so...

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Sveika, rašau, nes tikiuos, kad gyvenu geriau :D kad pildos svajonės, kad baigiau tuos karčius mokslus :D ir... kad nesu viena, kad esu sveika ir laiminga :) kaip visad sarkastiška ir...

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