Отосланные письма : 21881
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To my meme crush I am writing this letter 10 years from now hahaha! Just in case single ka at ako din, pwedeng tayo na lang????? Ikaw lang crush ko buong college years ko hahaha!???? baka...

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Labas Erika, Kaip gyveni? Aš gerai ;D Padaryk šią savaitę šiuos penkis darbus: 1. Išsitaškyk klube. 2. Suvalgyk kilogramą ledų. 3. Pasakyk Myliu mamai. 4. Apkabink drauges. 5....

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On this day that you receive this letter, if circumstances permits you, play Canon in D for that person. And make this promise: Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on...

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Dear Aaron, Right now you\'re all I can think about. If I\'m honest, you\'re all I can ever think about. You\'re the one person I love most in this world and the one person in this world who...

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bruv when you walk in oof OAH nucc owo ainsley data:image/jpeg; base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxMSEhU QEhIVFRIVFRUQFRUQFRAVFRIVFRUWFxUSFRUYHSggGB0lGxUVI...

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