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Dear Jacob, Your 21, Happy Birthday! You have gone through so much in you youth. Wow, I'm starting to sound old when im young. But, honestly your three months of hell, your annoying father,...

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sup.how was 8 grade?I am writing this because my English teacher,Mr.Mackie,wants the class to. Are you still into Black Metal and Death Metal? Do you still like Cattle Decapitation or Behemoth?...

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Where the heck are you? At 20 you were in Juja. and really really disliking the country living. Are you still in Thika? Are you in the city? Do you have a house? Do you like where you live? Hey,...

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Hey future self, you're at the peak of your life and you're just about to start college!! I hope when you open this message, you are in a good standing and at an exciting point in your life. You...

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Labas, čia rašo Gintarė iš praeities. Turbūt dar pameni mano amžių, paprasta mergaitė, galbūt neišsiskiria niekuo, galbūt dar turi paieškoti giliai savęs, ir galbūt dar nežino ko...

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