Отосланные письма : 21867
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03.01.24 Год только начался, я в 7 классе в нише, друзья Сания и Рустам. Я поссорилась с Санией, надеюсь...

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Dear the Intelligent Miss Katrina Faith Wiegand, By this time next year you will have found yourself in a new and more prosperous situation whether be it with money & job. Right now i am...

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Dear Andrew, You wrote this letter sitting from your Clyde & Co desk on August 15th 2012 at 8:58am. You will hopefully be reading this on your 21st birthday. Here is trusting that everything...

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Hey future self, you're at the peak of your life and you're just about to start college!! I hope when you open this message, you are in a good standing and at an exciting point in your life. You...

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Miela ateities aš :) Kur tu dabar? Ar tu jau vedus? Ar tu turi vaikų? Ar energetinis vis dar yra tavo mėgstamiausias gėrimas? Ar baigei universitetą? Kur tu dabar gyveni? Ar kada nors...

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