Отосланные письма : 21806
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I will be get a job. I will go out with someone. I will have a pass exams. I will leave school.

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Sveiki Gal dar čia gyvenam. oh no. Mes vis dar kartu. oh yeah. Turim du vaikus. oh yeah. Dar dirbu Itelloj. oh no. Šiandien eilinis pirmadienis. Dovanų atsiėmiau XYZ operos kompaktą...

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Dear future me, 祝我十七歲生日快樂。自己也要加把 勁 。 也現在的自己現在在暑假上著網 � �。疫 情 打亂很多計畫,畢旅充滿不確定性。 ☻ ☺ ☼...

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i just finished watching a hallmark movie (i didn't even see the title actually). This movie was about a New York copy editor who had a lot of fear, and about a photographer who had issues of...

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Do you remember that time when you went on letter2future and wrote yourself this email thinking you'd troll your future self? lol I think so

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