I hope you have succeeded at college applications and gotten in, I hope that you remember the promise you made to run if you got the budget and I hope that you still have energy and did all the...
Labas, brangioji (Gretute pyktute) :*
Noriu tave pasveikinti su graziom ir nuostabiom sventem. Linkiu, kad sios sventes butu pacios graziausios, kad visi norai ir lukesciai isipildytu ir butum...
Sveika mano Donatele,
Tai va pradesiu nuo to,kad sveikinu Tave su Naujais metais ir linkiu Tau kad siti metai butu patys paciausi-susitiktume kad kuo dazniau ir kad praleistume vasara ateinancia...
Ahuenai patusint su buvusia ribiata!!
Dear old old old old Kassidy,
so you're about to graduate high school and i see you've already became supes rich. I know you are probably supes busy with you're...