Yo Arjun Bhatnagar, How Are You, you are now 14 years old, How Is GTA 5
For Pc huh!! Is it Going To release.
Happy birthday!!!!
We will never meet but bye!!!!
hello you. future you, before i begin to talk about the future, i'll tell you about your current state right now, as of now you have 2 tasks which both are elit and it is currently 10.36pm, you're...
Привет! Сейчас 4 октября 2011, вторник, ты сидишь на работе и тебе скучно. А сейчас , Марина, ты работаешь в...
Sveika, mieloji Mama, šį laišką rašau 2011-09-22, o tu turėtum jį skaityti 2021 metais, per savo gimtadienį :) keistoka, bet įdomu. Skaitydama šį laišką turbūt gryši prisiminimais į...
..as all starts, we were strangers.
hey, it's me. 3nood, the junior you seem to spend your time teaching and listening to. your deer lmao. i'm writing this on the 11th of june of 2017,...