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Dear, My future self. Today you play Brilliant and honestly they are awful. your future goal is to play college football and try to make it pro. your backup goal is to be a personal trainer....

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Yo Arjun Bhatnagar, How Are You, you are now 14 years old, How Is GTA 5 For Pc huh!! Is it Going To release. Happy birthday!!!! We will never meet but bye!!!!

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Dear Kayli, YOU MADE IT! You are finally off to college, well let this just be a reminder to you to live your dream and be happy. Don't forget what makes you happy in life, and strive to achieve...

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Hey hoora, how are you ? Did you get married ? What is your subject in collage ? Wich collage are you study? I hope you finished your English ;D date is 96.6.28 Are you still in Iran ? I cant...

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