Ro 01.02.2017 ore 00:18
Cara Dona, mi chiedevo se hai realizzato i sogni che ogni giorno pensavi é desideravi.
Chissà dove sei? É con chi sei?
Sicuramente hai realizzato i tuoi sogni, ci...
Proud of you my dilaw, yesterday I just realized the most obvious thing in my life, it is realizing that I don't need to find myself their so-called dilaw, it's because I have myself. Dear self, I...
Ar yra dar žmonių, kurie dar saugo savo vertybes? Ar yra žmogus, kuriam aš rūpėčiau nuoširdžiai? Širdis mano pilna skausmo, sudraskyta. Sunku gyventi, sunku kvepuoti... Rašau, nes esu...
Hey, this is Jackson, you from the back in the day (the teacher didn't put the date on the board so basically yeah), I'm seeing if the paper letter actually works, if it does, that's kind of mad...
Labas, Aušra,
šiandien rugsėjo 21 d. Tu nori miego - kaip ir visada, šiandien bibliotekoje praleidai apie 5 val skirdama kursiniui rašti labai tikiuosi kad tai pasiteisins, ai ir šiandien...