Отосланные письма : 21806
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I will leave the school. I will go out with someone! I will drive a Porsche. I will have a two kids. I will travel to Mars. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR ACO ! ♥ 11:54 AM

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Hey....uh....Jane if you still prefer to be called like that you freaking weeboo. Listen here, 24 year old me. First, you're old. Pls tell me you have a job and someone you love and at least...

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Ieva! Labas, čia ateities Greta. Noriu tau palinkėti sėkmingos sesijos ir šiaip visko sėkmingo! Noriu priminti, kad eitum pašert triušių ir nepamirštum pažiūrėt serialų. Beje, kur...

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sup.how was 8 grade?I am writing this because my English teacher,Mr.Mackie,wants the class to. Are you still into Black Metal and Death Metal? Do you still like Cattle Decapitation or Behemoth?...

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Dear Mr. Novilla: Hello Boyfriend at my present time, Happy 22nd Birthday Honey! Today, 01 June 2020 at around two thirty-three (2:33am) I am writing this letter to tell you that I love you...

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