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My Love, wanted to write you a paper one, but have no idea where you ( we) will live after these years. I know that we are still together and now it's 5 years, i love you still, even more...

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Happy Birthday! I am anxious to see where you will be living and how you will be doing. Please give up cherries and wings. Eat more fish and veggies. Help your body! You are in pain. Let...

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https://download-free-images.com/00002/hello-gif-a -nice-penguin-947098.gif Hallo Tin! Ini surat yang kamu buat dulu. Gimana? setelah satu tahun udah ada perubahan belum? Sekarang ini sih aku...

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Labas visiems :) Sveiki sulaukę 2018 metų birželio 30 dienos. Ieva, jau esi baigusi mokyklą ir renkiesi sau universitetą ir žinai, ką nori studijuoti, nes šiuo metu rašant dar nežinai....

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hi Sankalp pilot thanxxx for chosing our company as your future

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