What would the kid you once were think about the adult you now are?
Šiandien 2012/09/02 15:44. Rytoj jau į mokyklą, man 15, bet kai gausiu šį laišką man bus sukakus jau 18! Nes šiandien vasario 18- mano gimtadienis! Tikriausiai dar keletą savaičių...
Merry Christmas Future William
I hope that you have had a wonderful year and so far a delightful christmas. I am sending this to you from November the 23rd. I discovered a site like this using...
Keep calm and carry on. You're more important than you think, just do what makes you happy and don't let anyone tell you otherwise
-Your past self
labas! Zinai ka?...*Trūksta teksto dalies*