People you've kissed:
Ryan Lee
Will Percy
James Watkins
Harry White
Rob Camm
Tom McGrath
Xander Seddon
Freddie Derbyshire
Lee Wykes
Jesus I must be forgetting people...
There was a boy...
Dear Jenna,
I love you! I hope I love me in 2015. Remember when you lived in that tiny 1 bdrm apt in San Francisco, with Dan and 2 dogs, and were in your last semester of grad school? Remember...
Dear Danny,
This is kind of weird--me sitting here writing this and reading it at the same time. Kind of unfair don't you think? I have no idea who you are. Yet, you have the privilege to know...
Привет Я из 2026! Хочу узнать какие из наших целий ьы выполнела.
1) Стать популярной
2) Оставаться жить в...