I am writing you because I seen you at a hospital in Winston Salem. I remembered your name and thought you was a very pretty lady. You was very nice to me while I was there in the Emergancy room. I...
Miela Dovile,
rašau tau, kai už lango pučia Šiaurys, o snaigės taip užgulė langus, kad net šviesa vos pro stiklus prasiskverbia. Šiandien turiu ypač daug darbo, dovanų begalės, kaip...
Labukas, tariu sau :)
Siunčiu sau šį laišką norėdama priminti, jog šiais metais susidariau planą ko noriu pasiekti per šiuos metus. Labai tikuosi kad tu MAŽUTE tai įvykdei, ir...
AEjHL4MT51xr6OPC4eQQwlpNT138PabrXwejBTgJ9hYjeIAcul JKMYbM2bQFJnU
Letter to myself [December 7 2020]
Dear future self.
I hope you are doing well. Right now I'm in the last weeks of my first quarter in college. It's been a journey of highs and lows, but I've...