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https://download-free-images.com/00002/hello-gif-a -nice-penguin-947098.gif Hallo Tin! Ini surat yang kamu buat dulu. Gimana? setelah satu tahun udah ada perubahan belum? Sekarang ini sih aku...

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On this day that you receive this letter, if circumstances permits you, play Canon in D for that person. And make this promise: Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on...

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Hey....uh....Jane if you still prefer to be called like that you freaking weeboo. Listen here, 24 year old me. First, you're old. Pls tell me you have a job and someone you love and at least...

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Hi there again! Hehe, lol! You remember you weren't satisfied with the first letter you sent, so here you are sending another! Hehe! So, here you are on your milestone 13th Birthday!...

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Halo Abimanyu! Selamat ulang tahun ya! Surat ini ditulis tanggal 2 Juni 2020 dan akan terkirim tanggal 18 Januari 2021. Semoga diumur yang ke-19 ini bisa menjadi Abi yang lebih baik lagi, tetap...

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