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от: Andraaeyyy
Написано : 29-07-2024
Будет отправлено : 11-06-2030
Proud of you my dilaw, yesterday I just realized the most obvious thing in my life, it is realizing that I don't need to find myself their so-called dilaw, it's because I have myself. Dear self, I hope as you're reading this letter, I hope you know that you always have yourself with you so no matter what, just believe in yourself and continue going. I also want to include in this letter, that I hope as you read this you're already financially stable and will be living the life we deserve, I hope you are already making money because we badly need to go to BINI concert jud! That's my dream for us! To attend a BINI concert before we die. Well I don't hope that we die though it's just you know, everyone has time, and we don't know when will be our time so better be making money by this time because BINI is waiting! That's my number one goal right now I think, besides getting a degree. I hope you will never forget about BINI, because they're the one that keep us going, someday Andraa you really need to pay back to them for already missing lots of concert of them. Never forget BINI Andraa, you can forget about everything not just them. Always remember the things that they've said back then, dre kuna tag usahon, just check your notes aadto it. I also want to remind you how much we love BINI before, I still hope until this time as you're reading this. Stay humble in life my bro, and we can dominate it haha. Love you, and if ever no told you this today, I am proud of you! Always! You have yourself okay.
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