Отосланные письма : 21898
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Sveika Egle, Praėjo nemažai laiko, ar dar prisimeni Pauliną, šiandien 2012-10-03 prisimeni šią dieną? Tetis parnešė didžiulę vištą kuri tau atrodo...

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Der special jamy I me love with u got bo I love wearing girls clothes and dressing up u t2 jony is a spec like u aswel

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Hi there shoe. if you're reading this, the world must have not ended. uhh hopefully you're doing well in college and what not, and you've also not gone through too many identity crises regarding...

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I am writing you because I seen you at a hospital in Winston Salem. I remembered your name and thought you was a very pretty lady. You was very nice to me while I was there in the Emergancy room. I...

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Hi ich bin du, der gerade 18 geworden ist und total faul ist und schafft hoffentlich sein Abitur. Ich hoffe du bist jetzt vielleicht schon verheiratet und hast vielleicht schon Kinder. Falls du...

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