Отосланные письма : 21806
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Happy New Year, Hi how are you? It's been 4months I guess I just wanna let you know that I love you and I miss you, I'm not sure if you could still read this but I don't care, I just wanted you...

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Labas mažute, dabar aš ruošiuos Neringutės vestuvėms.. Tikiuosi ir tu jau pagliau išsirinkai kurį... :D Kurį vieną iš tų šaunuolių... O gal pildosi Turkijos būrėjo pranašystė iir...

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I will be a Handball player. I will marry with Zayn Malik. I will be 2 kids. I will be drive pink Jeep. My Hasband job will be singer. My Honeymoon will be A Hawai.

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Firstly give each other a kiss considering you brushed your teeth as it smells like someone broke in last night and took a shit in your mouth... Hows the kid/s? pretty certain you\'re going to...

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Hey Its Sachin. So its your last year in college. you better party it up!!!!! and Happy Birthday. If I don't text you its not that don't love you. Its that I don't give a crap. JKJK I probably just...

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