Отосланные письма : 21806
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Hey you. Happy birthday btw ur 17 years old smh ur old. Today is May 18th, 2020 and you passed your chem exam woohoo I hope you know how to drive or at least have your license by then. Also, have...

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Ok, yo calculo que para esta altura ya habrán renovado el contrato, llevaran viviendo unos 6 meses juntos, es hora de evaluar... Como lo vienen llevando? Como es la convivencia? Son felices? Se...

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Labas, meile mano :) Rašau tau 2011 m. rugsėjo 28 d. Tu dabar namie, mūsų mažius šiek tiek serga... Taip įdomu, ar tu tikrai gausi šį mano laišką :) Norėčiau, kad tu jį gautum...

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So, I (that's you) am writing this letter on March the 10th. And I want to wish you (that's me) a happy birthday. That's about it, really. I don't know when this letter will arrive. But you...

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Dear, My future self. Today you play Brilliant and honestly they are awful. your future goal is to play college football and try to make it pro. your backup goal is to be a personal trainer....

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