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Dear Matt; This is from me a year ago. Hopefully you and Madi are still together. If you aren't, give her a call. She is the best thing to happen to your dumb ass. You should have graduated by...

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hey future me, don’t know why i’m doing this but here i am. right now you’re a freshman @ irvington and it’s nov. 18, 2018. the sunday before thanksgiving break starts. remember?...

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Hey Makikou, It's a strange adventure. I just hope that you are doing great, finally found the real you, found happiness, decided what you really want and maybe even met an amazing girl (because...

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Vot siju u sebya na rabote, dumayu kakoe budushee menya ojidaet??? ya predpologayu, chto uje k 1921 godu na Zemle budet caritsya Mir i soglasie, chto Narodi i plemena mira pridut k obshemu i...

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