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I guess it's a new year for you. How's the world doing? Is it still a train wreck? You said you'd figure out what you wanted to do by now. How'd that turn out? I hope you found something and that...

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Hey Tino, whats up? You still a faggot? LOLOILOL Anyway do you still play minecraft in the future? Probably not but hey, who the fuck cares? If you date Haliey Strecker please tell me you bang her....

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Oggi e\' 11 gennaio 2013, dopo una notte come sempre senza dormire per colpa di Kotryna sembro un zombie. Ma quando comincera\' a dormire sta bestiolina, dopo 8 mesi non c\'era neanche una...

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Rasele, Nors galbūt, viltis tik didina skausmą, bet vien dėl tų, trumpų, nepasikartojančių akimirkų, kurių nebepameni po keliu sekundžių, bet vis dar jauti žavesio ir susijaudinimo...

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Do you remember that time when you went on letter2future and wrote yourself this email thinking you'd troll your future self? lol I think so

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