Labas, Laura !
Šiandien yra 2011.09.26, naktis, ir aš turėčiau rašyti rašinį, bet bet.Tikiuosi, kad šie ateities laiškai nemeluoja ir tu jį tikrai gausi. Beje, dėkoju už šauktuką,...
Hey girl how ru? do u still use hih if no USE IT MISS QUINN GIRL! do u like physics? IF NO LIKE IT! do u like urself? do u hav a bf? what's new?
To Hania!
I'm writing this letter in a year that has been trying in the most unexpected of ways. Facing a pandemic, a shitty college, loads of assignments, presentations, exams, feeling light...
Kazin kas pasikeite per metus? Siandien as Lietuvoje, rasau laiska sau Zinau, kad po menesio vel vaziuosiu i UK, turim planu nuvaziuoti paatostogauti po palme Svajoniu vieta Kanaru salos...
Dear Jacob,
Today is Feb 15, 2012 and you are 20 years old and youre sending yourself a letter. Hopefully you turned 25 by now. You didn't have class (Hist of Video Game Tech) so you stayed...