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Du bist ein wundervoller Mensch, du hast schon viel erreicht, du hast viel Geld auf dem Konto. Ich werde mich mein Leben lang weiter entwickeln, weil ich ein wundervoller Mensch bin. Datum 12.5.2021

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I just hope you haven't dropped out yet and I hope you past your pre reqs. I am very happy in the situation I am right now, have you made any new friends yet. I just hope you will do better this...

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Kad ir kur dabar esi, aš tau dėkinga. Kad ir ką dabar veiki, buvau laiminga. Kad ir ką sugadinau aš atsiprašau, aš atsiprašau.

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Hey, how u doing in the future? Always love to dream and think about future, but this time let's get back to the past, moment of writing this letter.

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