Отосланные письма : 21806
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Labas, čia rašo Gintarė iš praeities. Turbūt dar pameni mano amžių, paprasta mergaitė, galbūt neišsiskiria niekuo, galbūt dar turi paieškoti giliai savęs, ir galbūt dar nežino ko...

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Hi. First, I want you to promise that you won't freak out or panic to what you will read. So here it is. I want you to greet first a Happy Birthday! Enjoy this special day of yours. I...

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Dear Future Aaron plusa ;) -Questions for your future self 1-Do you still skateboard? 2-Do you still play the drums 3-Did you ever jack up a mini Cooper painted chrome like you always wanted?...

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First post. Right. This is a really new idea to me, I just kind of read a book called Things I Know About Love where the main character writes a private blog, like a diary, that she updates every...

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dear future me, Ther are times where I want to kill me, just like my mothers want me to die, but I try to hold it off to the very end, thinking maybe things will get better, let me give it some...

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