Dear 18 Year Old Me.
I Hope this has been delivered on your 18th birthday although it's probably early or late due to royal mail.
At The time of writing 29th May 2012 I am 15 years old. If...
Dear FutureMe,
hey you been in love to someone and its the first time you also confess your feeling vice versa, i feel so fuckin kilig about it i dont know why it happen and i dont know how did...
Sveika brigita as tave myliu
I admire you. you proved to me that you're not the same Aea before. I know that you will be very happy by now and hopefully, you passed the CET for your choice of university. I love you!
Labas mamyte,
niekad nerašiau Tau laiško...retai Tau paskambinu...dar rečiau aplankau...niekad neišdrįsau tiesiai į akis pasakyti kaip aš Tave smarkiai mylėjau, myliu ir mylėsiu (gal...