Отосланные письма : 21806
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Today I'm here in Saudi Arabia, Working in a medium organisation (Industrial Technology company Ltd - Jubail). I don't even I will be alive when I get this letter. I'm earning 6000SAR per month...

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Not gonna lie, I'm a bit pissed because I just wrote you a whole letter about dreams and shit and it got deleted. Not sure I can be that deep again. You're twenty nine, today. Hopefully, if I got...

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DEAR,SEAN I hope your still like soccer and your going to play for rocky.Are your grades good you'll get some money from mom and dad so do good. MY OLD TEACHER MR.MAKIE IS MAKING ME WRIGHT...

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Friday, August 10, 2012 If this letter to the future thing worked right, tomorrow is your 26th birthday. For me it's 2:30 in the morning and I am a bit delusional and don't know what to do this...

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Hallo ik. Dit ben ik dus op veertien jarige leeftijd, in klas twee zittende met goede vrienden en gelukkige ik. One Direction is echt veelste sexy, Regina en ik zijn helemaal fan van hun! ze...

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