sveikas Žygi (as), rasau tau is praeities, jei atmintis slubuoja, patikrink svetaine ir suprasi, jog nemeluoju :)
tikiuosi neprasigeriai ir kryptingai sieki savo tikslu, o...
Ahoj Kočičko,
dneska je to přesně rok od našeho rozchodu. Píšu tento dopis z naší mandalové pohovky a vstřebávám tu bolest a smutek, který jsme si způsobili. Neuvěřitelně mě...
Dear 18 year old Mike,
Happy Birthday! It's December 11, 2011. I'm bored as fuck sitting on the couch using stumble upon and I've found this website that'll send this letter in a year...
Dear FutureMe,
How's life? Have you succeeded in clearing NEET and are u in a reputed college? Have you scored 90+ in boards? So what are your plans ahead? Are you still in touch with your best...
do your stupid summer homework man