Отосланные письма : 21806
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Hey Self, If you are reading this, that means that you are still alive and most likely there are no flying cars yet. Dammit McFly. Currently it is August 15th 2012. You are working as an IT...

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Labas Sim, Dabar yra 2012 metai, O Tu sėdi kaip visad iki išnaktų, jau puse 12 liko pusvalandis iki tavo 18-iolikto gimtadienio. Klausaisi begalinio pozityvo, reggae muzika tavo gyvenimo...

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Estimado yo del futuro quiero decirte que: Espero que logres todo lo que lo que soñaste,piensa todo lo que tuviste que luchar para poder ser un mecánico militar,siempre pensaste en rendirte pero...

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Dear Kailey, You can date now! I wonder who you'll date. I can't date know because I'm 12. So Sad! I bet your having a great time in high school! You are going to college soon! Do you still want...

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What would the kid you once were think about the adult you now are?

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