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My beloved me; It's me!Oh ...I mean,it's you. I'm your "you" from 10 year in the past,yeah...10 years!!!!You're 25 now, it's awesome!!!Maybe you don't remember me? Well I'm 15 years old, I'm in...

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Dear Me, I am writing this e-mail on June 19th, 2021 and I should be reading this ten years from now. How am I? Do I still have the same Spotify playlist? How big is my Spotify playlist? Have...

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Hi, Chris! Ich bin's, Du! Aus der Vergangenheit! Erinnerst du dich? Du hast diesen Brief letztes Jahr an dich selbst geschrieben. Warum? Naja, um dich vielleicht mal ein wenig wachzurütteln und...

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Hi! I'm keeping this short because we have lots to do. I hope your preparing well for your very important exam in 2 months. I know how discouraging these months have been and you're scrambling with...

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Dear FutureMe, Writing as I sit at a couch in a tiny apartment of an amazing city of Singapore. Another leap year and another leap today. Go out tonight and drink champagne. Just. Just do it...

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