Отосланные письма : 21739
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sveika, sveikinu tave su gimtadieniu, linkiu tau laimės, džiaugsmo, sveikatos, meilės, gražių čiuvų, svajonių išsipildymo ir visko ko tavo širdis geidžia!!! Myliu -A.D.

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I need to believe in myself, I can do this. Believe in yourself, - anything is possibles

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Hey Vincenzo, Vincent, Vince, Vin, or whatever people call you in High School, 7/21/2014 at 6:00pm EST @ 3 Corwin Street, Randolph, NJ 07869 Today, the day you\'re reading this, is the...

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Hello Kailey! This is me on 9/9/2012! I hope your having a great time! Bye! Love, Kailey

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hello me! how are you? are you dead? If so, how was life? are you homeless or relatively successful? what is the most stressful part of your life(or top ten)? are you a dental hygenist? how is it...

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