Отосланные письма : 21805
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Estimado yo del futuro quiero decirte que: Espero que logres todo lo que lo que soñaste,piensa todo lo que tuviste que luchar para poder ser un mecánico militar,siempre pensaste en rendirte pero...

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Hey Ellen! This is past you, from the end of your first quarter of college. How is everything going? I am not overly stressed for finals but I feel like I should be. I honestly believe that I...

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Labas, su gimimo diena!!! :DD, kaip sekasi? Tikiuosi, kad gerai :), ar jau turi šeima vaikų? Beja, linkėjimai visiems :D. Gali atrodyti keista, kad taip klausinėju, bet vis dėl to čia...

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July 18, 2012 Dearest Haylee, This is a letter from the past. I am writing this to you just to let you know how much I love you. Being with you has made my life worth living. You are the joy...

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Hello hope all is well with us, just a quick message to remind you that this coming Friday (16th May 2025) is your Mercurian centennial birthday... Meaning our 100th birthday on Mercury!!!...

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