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You may think that you are a man, but you are not. You - are infact a man. I do not know why are you a man, but I know that you are a man, and I am a man that is a drakon underwater, I do not know...

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Hi, future Aidan. Why don\\\\\\\'t I talk a little bit of my past-self , well present for me. I\\\\\\\'m currently 12 3/4 years old. I am in love with filmmaking. My dream is to move to LA to...

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yo man, this is you from December 20, 2023. you will be 16,17,18 by the time you get this letter i have a few questions How is the cut going right now it's not going too well but not bad. are you...

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šlikti ir pasibaigus DE. Norėtųsi turėti mažiau priešų, o daugiau žmonių, kuriems nereikia aiškinti higienos ar bazinių dalykų. Dėl to ateinančiais metais galėtume tapti labiau...

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