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Dear Aaron, Right now you\'re all I can think about. If I\'m honest, you\'re all I can ever think about. You\'re the one person I love most in this world and the one person in this world who...

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Прочитав лист з 2018. Це звернення іншої людини, з потужним ентузіазмом і натхненням. Олег 2.0 трохи втратив цю...

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Ei, ateities žmogau! Norėčiu, kad prisimintum šią mergaitę: Kai lietutis ilgisi žolės, o žvaigždelės nakties, sėdi mergaitė ant suolelio ir skaičiuoja akmenėlius. Tamsu, tik...

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"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." Dr. Seuss

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Aight cuz. Ima be Fr and tell you. You better be alive rn osrs. And remember that you Fr good af and the life you living rn is amazing. I wonder how you and the blasian are doing? But you might not...

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