Am Beliebtesten
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wid moveon lahhh

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Cuando traes paz para ti, puedes traerla a los demás. Hoy, procúrate un poco de tiempo libre. Ve a tu interior con ayuda de meditación, respiración profunda o lo que sea que te lleva a...

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Надеюсь ты изменилься за 2 года не знаю что с тобой случилось. Ты был трусом, ты бвл одиноким, и всегда...

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Dear FutureMe, Hi! It's High School Senior Cammy! It's been 3 years, I wonder how you're doing now? I really hope you're doing well... Have you met the guy of your dreams yet or are you still that...

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Happy Birthday! I am anxious to see where you will be living and how you will be doing. Please give up cherries and wings. Eat more fish and veggies. Help your body! You are in pain. Let...

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