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Hey, Happy 28th birthday! Today's date is the 8th January 2012 and I'm currently 17, doing A levels and avoiding revision for January A2 modules. At the moment I have uni offers from Reading,...

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Sample, working ba Marble?

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get rid of tunnel bear

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سلام به ادم هاي ديجيتاليه اينده! نميدونم اين نامه روزي بدست كسي واقعا ميرسه يا نه!؟ چرا كه دانشمنداي عزيز...

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Hi Luis We'll I'm you in the past, let me tell you about right know 12/04/2014 Eden and Mando are about 5 months and you have thru some ruff times this year god it was such a roller coaster but...

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