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The summer is over and I hope that you have achieved everything that you set out to for your role as OL. I hope that you gained that new perspective, made new friends, and learned more about the...

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Hi future rohit Hows life ?? At this time life suck you cry a lot always . you just moved in here and hate it because the kids over here are kanadigas and they always play cricket . you hate your...

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Привіт, моя люба Єво, мій любий Вове. Зараз в нас війна, сьогодні тільки-но повернулися до свого куточку в...

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On this day that you receive this letter, if circumstances permits you, play Canon in D for that person. And make this promise: Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on...

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Dear Me, I miss you <3 . I want you to know that the avatar movie is coming out soon and I plan to watch it. My first year at UW I took a Fig (f) class, psych 101, Global health, Global health...

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