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Firstly give each other a kiss considering you brushed your teeth as it smells like someone broke in last night and took a shit in your mouth... Hows the kid/s? pretty certain you\'re going to...

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Hi joanne...how are you? how is university? are you even in university? ugh ironic how im writing this right now and wasting my time when i should be off doing something else... haha. im pathetic....

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Martin Jesus Espana Sandoval Villasenor Munoz VIII, By now you are old enough to assume command of the council of michoacan. The other ten families will put up a fight against you at first but...

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Labas Tomyt, Tikiuosi,kad gyveni su vyru,ar bent jau sužadėtiniu.Jis tamsus,aukštas,o svarbiausia mylintis tave labiau nei tu jį,jei meilę galima išmatuoti. Jau spėjai pamiršti visus...

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Tonight I felt sad that the notes I kept in my phone is gone....??? I don't know what has happened. Has someone accidentally deleted it???? My comfort is that nothing happens to me without a...

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