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i am going to be a managment officer and a dad

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Happy Birthday ???????????? Forgot to add this part in the previous email. Ooopsies You really should not have given me your email????????

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Labas, Lora, Prisimeni mane? Tai aš, 15 minučių nuo tavęs gyvenanti draugė, Rugilė. Vis dar neapsisprendžiu, kada tu turėtum gauti šį laišką, po kelių metų, tu visa tai...

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Hey Mo. So you should be graduation high school today or around today. This is the 8th grade you if you didn't remember. I hope you're still reading. Are you still playing guitar, piano or still...

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Jūs Sveikina su Valentino diena Svajūnas Kazlauskas. Linki daug meilės, sveikatos ir linksmo Valentino dienos. Svajūnas Kazlauskas

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