पहले ही भेजे जा चुके पत्र : 21730
बेतीतीब पत्र
सर्वाधिक लोकप्रिय
Labas Mariau, kaip tau besiseka ? Pagarbiai Marius.

पूरा पत्र पढ़ें

keep moving forward no matter how hard it seems you will making through anything look how far you have come with two beautiful children who love you times my get hard dont ever give up no matter...

पूरा पत्र पढ़ें

ну привеет ты разобралась с чуствовами ?что подарили?

पूरा पत्र पढ़ें

Should I smile because we are friends, or cry because that is all we will ever be. Hope this helps you now or not at all but yeah.

पूरा पत्र पढ़ें

Dear Aunty Bre, this is Cita. Right now I am 12 years old and in the 7th grade. I hope i'm still around so I can see what you look like when you get this message. By now I should be 16. I wanted...

पूरा पत्र पढ़ें

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