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Labas Germantai. Tau laiškas iš praeities, tai yra 2011.09.28 09:22. Čia rašo Jonas. Noriu pranešti kad tu esi storulis ;/// blemba EIK PASPORTUOT!!! peace out!

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art never comes from happiness ( : ar tai reiškia vis dar tą patį? ( :

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Hi, reen!! To my future self, I hope that one day you’re gonna find this letter again and read it. You’ve doing so well until now, you keep fighting even though you cry everyday. What a strong...

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I am just gonna take notes on some things that I usually think about! Over the past few weeks, a lot of things have changed for me.. 1. I've been addicted to twitter which I am going to partially...

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Laba laba mažule! omgash, atsimeni, kaip norėjai gaut laišką? aš chiaa :D beje, atsimeni, kai sirgai? tada kai rašei šitą laišką, turėjai 37, o dieną prieš tai - 37,6. šnd...

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