hey future lana,
how are you? how's school? have you kept your promises?
do you still look at him like he hung the stars to your sky? or have you learned that all that brightness has long since...
Labas, labas, labas :)
Atėjo dar vienas laiškas iš praeities :) 2013 metai, sausio 30d. Taigi, tokia va situacija Lietuvoje: dabar ant šalies \"šika\" nebe Kubilius, o Butkevičius. Chebra...
Dear Senior Jack,
My definition of success is not having a big house, a boat, cars, and a big wallet. My definition of success is if you are happy and you know that you’ve accomplished...
It’s Harry styles and I love you
Well you know it’s not Harry but it made you smile did it not?
So what’s up?
I hope you are not as lonely as you were at this moment and I...
Labas Inga,
Siandien mano, tavo, sirdele dziaugiasi iki padebesiu!!!!!!! Laimejau 2vieta maziuciame foto konkurse, bet tai ne ta priezastis. Mums tiesiog gera but Kreves bute, vienom, su mumis!...