Keista kalbėtis su Tavim per kažkokią interneto svetainę ir dar kalbėtis su Tavimi dar labiau vyresniu... Įdomu, kaip tau sekas? Išsipildė svajonės? Ar mes dar bendraujam?...
Dear me,
This year I start grade 9 and I’m not so excited because I love being able to sleep all day and do things I like to during days. But after this year I’m going to leave...
Dear FutureMe,
Hey dude. It's 2028 right?
Wow man hope things are going well, here in 2018 you're living in Kirkcaldy with Angie. About to finish your BA and hoping to get a good job.
Dear You,
So how are you now? Still waking up ten minutes before your class or are you preparing for you graduation now?
I\'m sure you\'ll get this letter on March 31, 2015 at 5:00pm!...
August 26,2015
Dear Brittany
Your doing better don’t fuck up or your p.o gonna be on your ass and put a damn bracelet on you and track you every...